5. Gestión del mantenimiento invernal
IP0257 - Improving winter resilience on UK Roads
Mark Corbin is the Highways Key Route Network Manager at Transport for West Midlands in England. In January/February 2020, as part of a Winston Churchill Fellowship, Mark travelled to six cities to examine where the United Kingdom could learn more to enhance its mature approach to managing winters. More than 50 interviews with winter maintenance professionals, residents, and road users in the cities [...]
IP0075 - Comparative study of the operation of winter maintenance between France and Quebec (Canada)
In 2019, France-Québec cooperation was renewed in order to conduct a comparative study of the operation of winter services, which focuses on four main fields: • Treatment and pre-wetting; • Road with reduced salt application; • Measurement of friction; • Training and training documents. That cooperation was made possible thanks to the Commission permanente de coopération Franco-Québécoise. [...]
IP0348 - The Effect of Winter Maintenance Practices on the Life Cycle Cost of Paved Roads
In many countries road maintenance operations have been managed by two organizations: a) daily maintenance that is charge of, among other things, winter maintenance, and b) pavement maintenance that takes care of operations related to pavement management. This arrangement has mainly worked well but, for instance, drainage management has fallen in many cases into a “grey” area with neither organization [...]
IP0008 - Deicers flows reduction to aquatic environments: methodology for an adapted response to the territory
De-icers (anti icer), especially sodium chloride, are the most common response to obtain adequate levels service of road in winter period. Those de-icers are spreaded in environment and have an ecological impact: they are absorbed by vegetation, have an impact on living organisms in watercourses and, once sedimented in soil can be found in the groundwater and water tables. An experimental mission [...]
IP0209 - A new french technical guide: treatment strategies in winter maintenance
Operating in winter service are relatively complex given the diversity of situations. The issues vary depending on the networks, the days of the week or winter rigorous. All this in a context where preservation of the environment and financial resources are required. For a long time, the strategy consisted in treating more with the idea of treating better. Preventive interventions seemed more difficult [...]
IP0146 - Optimising the severe weather planning process for Highways England’s strategic road network
Severe weather planning is an integral part of Highways England’s Severe Weather Service which aims to keep our roads safe and usable all year round for our customers. To achieve this each of Highways England’s Areas and Regions produce an annual Severe Weather Plan based on a national template, which details the mitigation measures in place to combat severe weather events. Traditionally, the [...]
IP0127 - Development of Road Visibility Inspection System Using Driving Video Images Recorded by On-board Video Camera
In Hokkaido, Japan, there are numerous road closures due to blowing snow and snowdrifts on the roads every winter season. The road maintenance mangers have been patrolled several times per day to catch visibility conditions accurately during severe winter road conditions. Visibility information along the highway allows road maintenance managers to better operate, maintain roads to prevent incidents [...]
IP0052 - Pandemic Impacts on Winter Service Operations in Selected U.S. Agencies
Public works agencies across the U.S. have been impacted by the steps taken to control the spread of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. This paper examines how agencies have been impacted and the steps taken to address those impacts. The study involved interviews with agencies at the State, City, and County level around the United States. Initial interviews were conducted in August 2020 to determine [...]
IP0023 - Developing Comprehensive Defensive Driving Training for Snowplow Operators
Crashes involving snowplows can lead to property damage, significant injuries, and roadway fatalities. Additionally, an out of service snowplow negatively affects how quickly roadways can be cleared, and subsequently, could increase the crash risk of the general traveling public. However, many winter road maintenance agencies lack access to snowplow-specific training to reduce their risk of a crash. [...]
A "smart road" must use technological evolutions to improve and optimize maintenance activities and, in particular, the management of Winter activities. The efficient and effective management of Winter maintenance can only derive from information regarding current/future weather conditions and road surface conditions as well as from data regarding maintenance operations recorded by equipment in the [...]
IP0099 - Strategies for Developing An Efficient and Effective Winter Maintenance Operations
Snow and ice control is a vital function of most U.S. local and state transportation agencies. Of the approximate 4.4 million center-lane miles of public roadways in the U.S. 77% are the responsibility of local jurisdictions. Nearly all regions in the U.S. experience snow and ice to varying degrees. Agencies spend more than $2.3 billion annually (about 20% of their annual maintenance budgets) on [...]
IP0215 - Weather Severity Indices – The closest thing to a ‘how to’ guide
In a research effort funded by Clear Roads Pooled Fund (www.clearroads.org), a guide, Evaluation of storm severity indices (SSI) and weather severity indices (WSI) variables, has been developed. While many agencies have sought for the development of a single WSI tool that can be applied universally, to the frustration of many state department of transportation (DOT) staff, a universal application [...]
IP0252 - Assessment of Winter Maintenance Decision Support System Recommendations
Since 2012, DOT maintenance supervisors have participated in an evaluation of the maintenance recommendations generated by the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) Pooled Fund Study (PFS) software. A module integrated into the MDSS user interface allows maintainers to provide simple feedback indicating whether they accept or decline an MDSS recommendation and whether the MDSS-derived road weather [...]
IP0057 - Development of the winter road management support system
?The present conditions and problems Cold air mass brings heavy snow to Tohoku and Hokkaido region of the Japanese Islands. The road surface condition changes according to the route position of the expressway. And, the road surface condition changes every moment. Therefore, to solve some technical challenges, we must enhance the road surface management technique in winter. ?Plans of action for [...]
IP0032 - Equipment used for winter maintenance – French specifications
Motor vehicles and their trailers are divided into different categories according to European legislation. In France, all the rules relating to the circulation of vehicles on the roads are laid down in the highway code. In addition to the general rules, each category of vehicle has its own specific requirements, particularly in terms of weight, dimensions and traffic. During winter maintenance operations, [...]
IP0188 - Large Scale Winter Collision Estimation using Kriging with Network Distances
Transportation safety analysis has utilized spatial statistics fairly recently and is gaining the attention and adoption of many transportation researchers. Various forms of spatial statistics have been studied with Kriging coming into the forefront of transportation research. From recent studies, kriging has shown to be effective in estimating or prediction various transportation variables such as [...]
IP0315 - Datos de vehículos flotantes para el seguimiento de la fricción en la carretera - La perspectiva de gestión desde la investigación hasta la implementación contractual
Datos de vehículos flotantes para el seguimiento de la fricción en la carretera - La perspectiva de gestión desde la investigación hasta la implementación contractual Este documento presentará el proceso y los desafíos para implementar un sistema nacional de monitorear la fricción en la carretera utilizando datos de automóviles flotantes conectados en contratos de mantenimiento en Suecia. [...]
IP0194 - Desarrollo de un simulador de camión quitanieves que contribuye a la adquisición eficiente y temprana de habilidades para los operadores de camiones quitanieves
To prepare for the aging of snowplow truck operators, who are essential for snow and ice work on expressway, and for the shortage of workers due to the decline in the workforce, new operators need to be trained as soon as possible. A expressway snow removal operation consists of two or three snowplow trucks working in formation, operating snowplow trucks mounted on the front of the snowplow to remove [...]
IP0325 - El camino hacia la resiliencia en las operaciones invernales de las redes de carreteras
El camino hacia la resiliencia en las operaciones invernales de las redes de carreteras (Mejores Prácticas para Aumentar la Resiliencia en las Redes de Carreteras) En este documento se analizará lo siguiente: • Estado actual de la práctica de las operaciones de invierno en todo el mundo. Elegiremos varios países y discutiremos lo que hacen actualmente para abordar mantener sus carreteras [...]
Elaboration of a pedagogical kit for training personnel in winter service L. Michel – R.Reiff – L.Peiffer – M.Perron – D.Giloppe – A.Marteau – JF.Vargas – A.Bazile – B.Saintot Training activity is an important part of the actions carried out by road managers in preparation for the winter season. In France, Cerema (French Center for Studies and Expertise on Risk, Environment, Mobility [...]
This study attempts to provide a deeper insight into the vehicle-specific desired speed (hereinafter speed) and lane utilization behaviors in cold region rural highways. The main study objective is to evaluate the suitability of a lane-based weather-responsive variable speed limit system for rural divided highways in extremely cold regions. The proposed methodology consists of two phases i.) a speed [...]
IP0299 - Gestión de la Vialidad Invernal durante el Temporal “Filomena” en las carreteras de la Comunidad de Madrid (España) (7 a 18 de enero de 2021)
El temporal de nieve y frío comenzó el 7 de enero. La AEMET informó sobre fenómenos meteorológicos adversos de nivel rojo por nevadas, activándose el nivel de gravedad 2 del PLATERCAM y Situación de Preemergencia por la Delegación del Gobierno de Madrid. La Dirección General de Carreteras acomete los trabajos de Vialidad Invernal, en la red de su competencia (2.570 km), dentro del Plan de [...]
Autovía de los Llanos, S.A. es la sociedad concesionaria adjudicataria de un contrato de concesión de obra pública bajo la modalidad de “peaje en sombra”. El contrato se adjudicó en diciembre de 2007, por lo que cuando finalice el año del congreso, 2022, habrán transcurrido 15 años de contrato, 15 años en los que la gestión del mantenimiento invernal ha sido una de las principales actividades [...]
IP0229 - Integración en dos contratos de O&M por indicadores de estado y servicio de British Columbia de un sistema de gestión Inteligente para la Vialidad Invernal
Esta propuesta de presentación se basa en la evolución de los procedimientos de vialidad invernal y su integración en un contrato de operación y mantenimiento donde la función del contratista es la de asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de la red, asegurando la movilidad de los usuarios de la carretera, pero así mismo seguir desempeñando las funciones habituales de conservación. La integración [...]
IP0132 - Mantenimiento invernal en las condiciones del administrador regional de carreteras
Each year in the Slovak Republic, a significant portion of the budget of road network administrators is spent on winter maintenance. The work performed by regional road administrators is an important part of the national winter service. The paper is focused on the Prešov Self-governing Region, where the performance of winter service is provided by the Road Administration and Maintenance Office of [...]
IP0313 - Nueva forma de organización del servicio de invierno en Montenegro
The Balkan region has gone through a tough period within last 30 years. Serbia and Montenegro stay still outside the EU, nevertheless road systems are developing here, too. This also applies to winter service organisation, which is specific in some ways. The countries’ weather is affected both by cold air masses of Siberian origin as well as by warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea or even [...]
IP0051 - Requisitos para el almacenamiento de material de arenado para el servicio de invierno
The optimised storage of gritting material and process-optimised loading of winter service vehi-cles are of central importance for economical winter service in line with requirements. Based on the results of a research project, recommendations for the storage and loading of de-icing salt were compiled in a guideline, which also contains sample solutions for standardised storage var-iants and construction [...]
IP0291 - Resumen de los mecanismos de conservación y manejo del deshielo y deshielo invernal en las autopistas y análisis de casos
Snow and ice removal is the top priority of winter maintenance management for the expressway. A scientific and sophisticated maintenance mechanism is an important guarantee for the smooth operation and traffic safety on the expressway in rain and snow weather . Firstly, the research progress and implementation status at home and abroad on maintenance management mechanism of highway snow and ice removal [...]
Dentro de la Red Nacional de Caminos de la República Argentina, la Región I (Sur) conformada por las provincias del Chubut, Neuquén, Río Negro, La Pampa, Santa Cruz y Tierra del Fuego conlleva casi la totalidad del mantenimiento en época invernal (83%). Una gran parte del mismo era originalmente realizado por medio de Transferencia de Funciones Operativas (TFO) y en la actualidad lo es a través [...]
Viabilis : a newsletter on winter service C. Mege - R. Reiff As part of the winter maintenance community in France, Cerema (French Center for Studies and Expertise on Risk, Environment, Mobility and Development) distributes a newsletter, called "Viabilis", open to the public and targeting winter maintenance stakeholders. This activity is organised during technical days and winter service clubs. [...]
IP0310 - Vialidad invernal: Modelo relacional como garantía de la gestión del mantenimiento invernal y la seguridad vial.
El desarrollo de la situación de alerta por meteorología adversa, implica la toma de decisiones que, no gestionadas de forma rápida y consensuada entre los distintos intervinientes, puede provocar un gran impacto en los usuarios, alterar los niveles de servicio de cada carretera y bloquear la correcta explotación de vías de comunicación, esenciales para el desarrollo y garantía de los suministros [...]