Adpating to a changing world

Welcome to the proceedings website of the Congress. It contains:
- The Congress program, including the technical program,
- The introductory reports to the sessions,
- individual communications selected by the Technical Committees and Task Forces from among the proposals received following the call for communications.
Adapting to a Changing World was a fitting theme for the XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress. When Canada and the City of Calgary bid for this Congress in 2017, no one anticipated that the world would be two years into a global pandemic, and the very nature of the Congress would need to adapt to an online, virtual format available across many time zones.
In February 2022, the Canadian Organizing Committee (COC) and PIARC did it!
Calgary 2022 was a completely different Congress from any other PIARC Congress, with several ‘firsts’:
- First Winter Congress to include another theme— Resilience—which is so important to PIARC member countries,
- Fully online with content available ‘live’ and ‘on demand’ across 24 time zones,
- Easy access from anywhere; only limitation was personal internet connection.
two strategic themes of the Congress allowed the COC to have a Keynote Speaker
for each theme: Max Perchanok on Winter Service, and Dr. Jean Andrey on
Simultaneous interpretation was provided in Spanish, French, and
English for the Keynote Speakers, and all plenary and technical sessions to
ensure that all delegates would benefit from attending this international