WS 3.4 Visibility and Snow removal
Tuesday, February 8 09:45 - 11:15 (Calgary)
Chair: Mo TAYYARAN, member of TC 3.2 of PIARC, Canada
Most actions in winter maintenance are triggered by weather events. Weather forecasts are a very important source of Information for decision maker in winter service but they are not the only one. Together with information about road weather, road state and traffic winter service operates. New technologies in data collection, transfer and analysis enable new innovative technologies to support decision makers. Heavy snowfalls or snowstorms dramatically reduce visibility. If the snow finally hits the ground and accumulates there is the chance for it to block traffic. This session deals with methods to detect visibility and ways of snow removal.
Welcome and session introduction
Blowing Snow and Reduced Visibility Detection and Warning System
• Mr Frédéric Champagne, Ministère des Transports du Québec, Canada/Québec
Prediction of Roadside Snow Pile Growth Trends Using Meteorological Observations
• Mrs Miki Iida, Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Public Works Research Institute, Japan
Applications of Novel Weather Information: Optimization for Deployment of Snow Removal Groups
• Mr Michihiro Teshiba, Weathernews Inc., Japan
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Questions and Answers
• Martin THOMSON, member of TC 3.2 of PIARC, UK
Session Organiser: Mo TAYYARAN
Session Secretary: Martin THOMSON