Proceedings of the Congress

WS 5.2 Worst case scenarios and Guidelines

Thursday, February 10 08:00 - 09:30 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/10| 15:00 - 16:30 Paris : 02/10| 16:00 - 17:30 New Delhi : 02/10| 20:30 - 22:00 Tokyo : 02/11| 00:00 - 01:30 Sydney : 02/11| 02:00 - 03:30

Chair: Didier GILOPPÉ, member of PIARC TC 3.2, France

Administration of winter service activities involves the planning and organization of many functions of road agencies and requires significant resources. Winter service is part of the operational strategy of Road Administrations. Weather changes quick and sometimes road condition in winter also. Having guidelines for regular operations and also worst case scenarios prepared makes it easier to deal with such situation if the appear. In this session different guidelines are shown.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Didier GILOPPE


A new french technical guide: treatment strategies in winter maintenance
• Mrs Stéphanie Gaudé, Cerema, France

New way of winter service organisation in Montenegro
• Mr Janeba Julius, STRABAG, Czech Republic

Optimising the severe weather planning process for Highways England’s strategic road network
• Mr Darren Clark, Highways England, United Kingdom

Winter Road Management during the "Filomena" Storm on the roads of the Community of Madrid (Spain) (January 7 to 18, 2021)
• Mrs Belén Peña Sanz, Dirección General de Carreteras de la Comunidad de Madrid, Spain


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Questions and Answers

• Didier GILOPPÉ


• Horst HANKE, member of PIARC TC 3.2, Germany

Session Organiser: Didier GILOPPÉ
Session Secretary: Horst HANKE