Proceedings of the Congress

WS 5.5 Information exchange in winter service

Friday, February 11 09:45 - 11:15 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/11| 16:45 - 18:15 Paris : 02/11| 17:45 - 19:15 New Delhi : 02/11| 22:15 - 23:45 Tokyo : 02/12| 01:45 - 03:15 Sydney : 02/12| 03:45 - 05:15

Chair: Zoltan PASZTOR, member of PIARC TC 3.2, Hungary

Administration of winter service activities involves the planning and organization of many functions of road agencies and requires significant resources. Winter service is part of the operational strategy of Road Administrations. Information exchange in winter service is developing in different kinds. Information can be given from Cars to road authorities, to other drivers or to road infrastructure. But information exchange also happens between road authorities. In this session presentations about the different kinds of information exchange are given.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Zoltan PASZTOR


Floating Car Data for Monitoring of Road Friction - The management perspective from research to contractual implementation
• Mr Dan Eriksson, Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden

Feasibility Study of Lane-Based Weather-Responsive Variable Speed Limit System for Rural Highways in Cold Regions
• Mrs Navoda Rillagodage, University of Manitoba, Canada

Comparative study of the operation of winter maintenance between France and Quebec (Canada)
• Mrs Stéphanie Gaudé, Cerema, France
• Mrs Émilie Godbout, Ministère des Transports, Canada-Québec

Development of Road Visibility Inspection System Using Driving Video Images Recorded by On-board Video Camera
• Mr Kazuhito Ohashi, Hokkaido Development Engineering Center, Japon


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Questions and Answers

• Zoltan PASZTOR


• Jarkko PIRINEN, member of PIARC TC 3.2, Finland

Session Organiser: Zoltan PASZTOR
Session Secretary: Jarkko PIRINEN