WS 5.6 Maintenance decision support systems - MDSS
Friday, February 11 12:30 - 14:00 (Calgary)
Chair: Nick RUSSELL, member of PIARC TC 3.2, United Kingdom
Administration of winter service activities involves the planning and organization of many functions of road agencies and requires significant resources. Winter service is part of the operational strategy of Road Administrations. Decisions in winter maintenance range from a strategic level down to the dosage of de-iceres. In this session this range is shown from the overall performance of winter maintenance to the type of de-icer used. Also the effect of winter maintenance on live cycle costs of paved roads is presented.
Welcome and session introduction
Deicers flows reduction to aquatic environments: methodology for an adapted response to the territory
• Mrs Stéphanie Gaudé, Cerema, France
The Effect of Winter Maintenance Practices on the Life Cycle Cost of Paved Roads
• Mr Timo Saarenketo, Roadscanners Oy, Finland
Summary and Case Analysis on Maintenance Mechanism of Snow and Ice Removal for Expressway in Winter
• Mr Yuanxun Zheng, Henan Transport Investment Group Co., Ltd, People's Republic of China
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Questions and Answers
Session Organiser: Nick RUSSELL
Session Secretary: -