Proceedings of the Congress

9. Disaster and Risk Management

  • IP0278 - A Review of Flood Assessment Methods on Transportation Networks
    Rebally Aditya

    A region’s transportation industry is vital to its economic and social health. Transportation systems are also influenced by climate change directly and indirectly and on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, flooding (whether affected by climate change or not), can have enormous consequences to the transportation sector both in the short and long term. Many regions around the [...]

  • IP0308 - Application study on risk monitoring of road disasters and technologies of management decision
    Guan Jian

    With the rapid growth of highway mileage, road disasters are frequent in some areas, which do great harm to road infrastructure and the safety of people's lives, and even cause the "lifeline" project blocking, chaos and paralysis.With the development of society, road drivers and social needs have changed, road disaster disposal technology is constantly updated, and emergency and management methods [...]

  • IP0300 - Building community resilience in disaster management
    Benekos Ioannis

    Resilient communities play a vital role in disaster management. However, there are several definitions and opinions in the scientific literature and among the practitioners on what actually constitutes, ‘resilience’, ‘community’ and ‘community resilience’. This paper proposes a practical methodology on how to build consensus on these terms in the context of disaster management preparedness. [...]

  • IP0012 - Building competencies into highway sector emergency management: A study of the UK’s approach to embedding interoperability principles and ‘lifeline’ Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA) into practice
    Deeming Hugh

    This paper discusses the development of a unique Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA) methodology and the associated work to empower Highway Managers and frontline teams with new systems and competencies to assess and stabilise incidents. Since 2013 the effects of three storm events alone have resulted in £633 million (CA$1Bn) damage to England’s highway network. In parallel, lesser storms and other [...]

  • IP0239 - Data Mining Implementation for Disaster and Risk Management (Learn from Palu Disaster Area)
    Rifai Andri Irfan

    A large earthquake accompanied by a tsunami and liquefaction occurred in Palu in 2018. This incident caused massive chaos for a long time. The government and society seem to have lost their way in managing disaster management. Infrastructure and other necessities tend to be paralyzed and very difficult to restore. Handling of disaster victims, shelter, access to transportation, logistical facilities, [...]

  • IP0039 - Development of Road Flood Management System by Using the IoT Sensor
    JUN Yeonsoo

    In recent years, road flood disasters have occurred frequently due to climate change. For preventing road flooding, it is necessary to develop an IoT system at a road network level, collect microscopic information, and respond immediately. Therefore, this study aims to develop a road-specific IoT system that collects water level information at a road drain and provides an alarm.

  • IP0059 - Heavy Goods Vehicles Management under winter conditions
    Tanarki André

    FEDRO maintains and operates 18 holding areas for heavy vehicle traffic on the national road network. The holding areas are located along the main Swiss transalpine axes. They do not serve as rest stops, but are used exclusively for traffic management in case of exceptional events. On the one hand, the holding areas have the purpose of ensuring the protection and safety of all road users in precarious [...]

    Ceribelli Giulia

    Between August 2016 and January 2017, a series of 4 seismic events, magnitude higher than 6, affected a large area of central Italy, about 7500 square kilometers including 10 provinces and over 140 municipalities. The road network in the area, with a development of more than 15300 km, has suffered extensive and widespread damage, so as to affect the mobility of the entire area, compromising especially [...]

    Soler Salcedo Enrique

    Autovía de los Llanos, S.A. is the concessionaire company awarded a public roadworks concession contract under the modality of “shadow toll” in a stretch of a highway of almost 100 km long in Spain. The contract was awarded in December 2007, and in these thirteen years, there have been multiple difficulties that the contract managers have had to tackle. However, these difficulties have always [...]

    Adesiyun Adewole

    Resilient Transport Infrastructure to Extreme Events (RESIST) is a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded research project. The overall goal of RESIST is to increase the resilience of seamless transport operation to natural and man-made extreme events, protect the users of the European transport infrastructure and provide optimal information to the operators and users of the transport infrastructure. [...]

  • IP0242 - Risk Management for a disaster with “Road-On Map”
    Masuo Akihiko

    Japan has high risk of natural disaster. In these days, the government is required to take measures some drastic and comprehensive disaster preventions to save people’s lives and livings as a huge disaster has happened due to the climate change. A road is an important infrastructure which supports government’s emergency response in a disaster, people’s evacuation and a living after disaster. [...]

  • IP0129 - Study on Resilience Improvement of Hanshin Expressway Infrastructures by Cyber Management
    Hattori Masahiro

    In Japan, “Society 5.0” was proposed that virtual space and real space were highly fused by “IoT” (Internet of Things) to realize productivity improvement and value creation. Many engineers in each area are making effort to realize "Society 5.0". In Hanshin Expressway, structural and traffic data stored in databases were linked to maintenance data obtained by inspections or sensing in the [...]

  • IP0098 - The SISMET Method: A Tool for Seismic Risk Assessment of Urban and Peri-Urban Roads in a Context of Crisis Management
    DAVI Denis

    The SISMET method aims to provide a preliminary assessment of seismic risk on existing road infrastructure in an urban or peri-urban context. At the scale of a route or a section of route, this method is based on the definition and assessment of vulnerability criteria of the various structures that comprise it (bridges, retaining walls, tunnels, and road embankments). These vulnerability indices are [...]

  • IP0125 - Upgrade to the redundant traffic management system having high resilience of the traffic management functions against large-scale disaster
    Takamatsu Hiroki

    Hanshin Expressway is an urban expressway network covering Osaka and Kobe Metropolitan area. The network length is 258.1km and covers 15.3% of total vehicle-travel mileage in this area. The more online shopping market grows, the more important the role of logistics plays. In particular, road truck transport has the biggest share to the Japanese domestic logistics. Therefore, we always have to sustain [...]