Proceedings of the Congress

R 8.1 Resilience to climate change of the road network

Wednesday, February 9 18:30 - 20:00 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/10| 01:30 - 03:00 Paris : 02/10| 02:30 - 04:00 New Delhi : 02/10| 07:00 - 08:30 Tokyo : 02/10| 10:30 - 12:00 Sydney : 02/10| 12:30 - 14:00

Chair : Ms. Caroline EVANS, Chair of PIARC TC 1.4, Australia
Chair: Mr Fabien PALHOL, French-Speaking Secretary, PIARC TC 1.4, France

Road networks are exposed to various threats/hazards that affect their operation and structural integrity. To reduce vulnerabilities to these threats/hazards, road authorities and other organisations have implemented policies, strategies, and actions to increase the resilience of the transportation system.

The main objective of Technical Committee 1.4 is identify uniform and holistic methodological approaches to deal with climate change and other hazards based on case studies, and update the PIARC International Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Road Infrastructure. The progress of the working groups of the current PIARC cycle will be presented in this session.

To increase the resilience of the road transportation system to all threats/ hazards, including climate change and extreme weather, aging infrastructure, natural disasters, man-made disasters and cyber-physical threats TC 1.4 launched a call for papers to identify innovative practices and innovative methodological approaches to address the assessment of resilience.

This session will also present other international examples and case studies that increase the resilience of the road transportation network to hazards, including climate change, and also resilience assessment methodologies, and approaches to prioritize critical road segments for climate resilience investments.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Ms. Caroline EVANS, Chair of PIARC TC 1.4, Australia


Overview of Uniform and Holistic Methodological Approaches to Climate Change and Other Hazards
• Ms Marie COLIN, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, Leader WG1, FRANCE

Overview of the PIARC Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Road Infrasturcture
• Ms Gordana PETKOVIC, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, Leader WG2, NORWAY
• Mr Stuart WOODS, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, Co-Leader WG2, NEW ZEALAND
• Ms. Laura PARRA, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, Co-Leader WG2, SPAIN 

Resilience of transportation networks affected by erosion and marine submersion: towards an integrated and concerted management of infrastructure in coastal areas
• Ms Carline PONSART, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, Quebec/Canada & B Paré, DGAR QUEBEC, CANADA 

A simplified resilience approach for assessing road projects in Norway
• J HUSDAL, G PETKOVIC & A HOVDUM, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, NORWAY 

A framework to prioritize critical road segments for climate-resilience investments


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Questions and Answers

• Moderated by Mr Louis BETTINI, Member of PIARC TC 1.4, English-Speaking Secretary, AUSTRALIA


 • Mr. Juan Fernando Mendoza Sánchez, Member of TC 1.4, Spanish-Speaking Secretary, MEXICO

Session Organiser: TC 1.4
Session Secretary: Mr. Fabien PALHOL