R 8.2 Roundtable on Resilience: Cross-cutting issues
Thursday, February 10 08:00 - 09:30 (Calgary)
Ms. Caroline EVANS, Chair TC 1.4, Australia
Chair: Mr. Robert KAFALENOS, TC 1.4 member, USA
In this current PIARC cycle there are four cross-cutting issues which are being progressed across PIARC Technical Committees and Task Forces. These include innovation, climate change, resilience and safety. This session deals with the cross-cutting issues of climate change and in particular, resilience. It will comprise presentations from PIARC Technical Committees and will cover topics of resilience of transport networks, societal resilience relating to disaster management, and structural resilience. It will be followed by a roundtable discussion across related Technical Committees to identify how these issues are currently being handled, overview of definitions and parameters of resilience, tools, methodologies and frameworks, and will provide an opportunity to share best-practice approaches. The Roundtable will also discuss how to foster cooperation and ensure that the developments of each related Committee are complementary. The outcome to be achieved is the provision of input to assist in the development of products underpinned by the cross-cutting issues.
Welcome and session introduction
Ms. Caroline EVANS, Chair TC 1.4, Australia
Chair: Mr. Robert KAFALENOS, TC 1.4 member, USA
of PIARC TC/TF's related to cross-cutting issues:
• Ms Caroline EVANS, Chair TC 1.4, Australia
• Dr. Yukio ADACHI, Chair TC 1.5, Japan
• Mr. Margo BRIESSINCK, Chair TC 4.1, Belgium
• Mr. Dimitrios PAPASTERGIOU,WG Leader TC 4.2, Switzerland
• Mr. Ingo KAUNDINYA, Chair TC 4.4, Germany
• Mr. Enrico MITTIGA, WG leader TC 4.3, Italy
• Mr. Gerardo FLINTSCH, Chair TC 3.3, USA
of transport networks, including climate change
• Mr. Louis BETTINI, English-Speaking Secretary TC 1.4, Australia
• Ms Juliet MIAN, TC 1.4 Member, UK
Societal resilience related to disaster management
• Mr. Marcelo MEDINA, TC 1.5 Spanish Speaking
Secretary, Chile
• Mr. Tomohiro FUJITA, TC 1.5 Member (Young Professional), Japan
• Mr. Margo BRIESSINCK, Chair TC 4.1, Belgium
• Mr. Dimitrios PAPASTERGIOU, WG Leader TC 4.2, Switzerland
• Mr. Enrico MITTIGA, WG leader TC 4.3, Italy
• Mr. Tiago MASSINGUE, English-speaking Secretary TC 4.4, South
• Mr. Gerardo FLINTSCH, Chair TC 3.3, USA
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Questions and Answers
Open Discussion with Panelists
Ms. Caroline EVANS, Chair TC 1.4, Australia
Chair: Mr. Robert KAFALENOS, TC 1.4 member, USA
Session Organiser: Ms Caroline Evans, TC 1.4, Australia
Session Secretary: