R 9.2 Enhancing Resilience of Disaster Management
Monday, February 7 18:00 - 19:30 (Calgary)
Chair: Mr. Christopher ENGELBRECHT, TC 1.5 Member, USA
In recent years, natural disasters have tended to become more frequent and more severe. In many cases, natural disasters affect the functioning of roads. The impact on road functions is likely to lead to the disruption of supply chains and people mobility, which may have a significant impact on social and economic activities.
Therefore, it is an important responsibility of road managers to maintain or immediately restore road functions and secure the conectivity and transitability in the event of a disaster. In other words, road managers are required to take appropriate actions in each one stage of disaster management: mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery to keep economic and social effects under certain control.
In order to avoid unforeseen events, it is important to consider the worst-case scenario for disasters, however, it is not realistic to prevent or minimize technical impact of roads on such disasters, that for sure will impact financially. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce and minimize technical as well as financial impacts of disasters on roads to sustain the supply chain by implementing comprehensive countermeasures from both perspectives, structural and non-structural.
This session will provide an opportunity to share the world's efforts to sustain supply chains in disaster management focusing on financial aspects regading sustainable road operations in the face of natural disasters.
Welcome and session introduction
• Dr.
Yukio ADACHI, Chair of PIARC TC 1.5, Japan
• Mr. Christopher ENGELBRECHT, TC 1.5 Member, USA
Financial aspect of disaster management "PIARC study"
• Ms Sara CHINNICI, ANAS, Italy, Member of PIARC TC 1.5 and Dr Saki YOTSUI, Ritsumeikan university, Japan, Member of PIARC TC 1.5
Highway sector emergency management: building new competencies. A study of the UK’s approach to ‘lifeline’ rapid impact assessment to support excellence across emergency response, stabilisation and repair.
• Mr Hugh DEEMING, HD research, UK and Mr John LAMB, Local government technical advisors group, UK
Heavy Goods Vehicles Management under winter conditions
• Mr Joerg DREIER, Federal Roads Office FEDRO, Switzerland
Risk Management for a disaster with “Road-On Map”
• Mr. H. TOMIYAMA, Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism, Japan
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Questions and Answers
• Mr. Tomohiro FUJITA, TC 1.5 Member (Young Professional), Japan
• Mr. Christopher ENGELBRECHT, TC 1.5 Member, USA
Organiser: Yukio ADACHI
Session Secretary: Christopher ENGELBRECHT