Proceedings of the Congress

R 12.2 Bridge Resilience to Climate Change and Winter Conditions

Friday, February 11 08:00 - 09:30 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/11| 15:00 - 16:30 Paris : 02/11| 16:00 - 17:30 New Delhi : 02/11| 20:30 - 22:00 Tokyo : 02/12| 00:00 - 01:30 Sydney : 02/12| 02:00 - 03:30

Chair : Mr. Joseph HARTMANN, English secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, USA

Bridge resilience to natural hazards including climate change and winter conditions can be represented as a combined measure of bridge mitigation and its recovery after natural hazards. With regard to road bridges, concerns associated with climate change are the extreme variation of air temperatures, extreme wind due to hurricanes and typhoons, sea level rise, frequency and intensity of rainfall and associated flooding, and so on. For this session, papers which describe mitigation and measures for increasing resilience to climate change and winter conditions are invited and discussed.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Mr. Joseph HARTMANN, English secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, USA


Alert and monitoring system of resilient infrastructure for adaptation to climate change using optimization process
• M. Valenzuela, Chile

Northern climatic actions on the structures
• S. Khani, Canada Québec

Development of Innovative Measures to Mitigate Ice Shedding from the Stays of the Cable-Stayed portion of the Samuel De Champlain Bridge
• G. Mailhot, Canada

The problem of melting salts in the corrosion of rebars in bridge decks and their effects on post-tensioned structures
• N. Corral Moraleda, Spain


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Questions and Answers

• Mr. Joseph HARTMANN, English-speaking secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, USA


• Mr. Joseph HARTMANN, English-speaking secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, USA

Session Organiser: Mr. Joseph HARTMANN, English secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, USA
Session Secretary: Mr. Pierre GILLES, French secretary of PIARC TC 4.2, Belgium