Proceedings of the Congress

R 15.1 Incorporating resilience into asset management

Monday, February 7 09:00 - 10:30 (Calgary) | Room 3

GMT : 02/07| 16:00 - 17:30 Paris : 02/07| 17:00 - 18:30 New Delhi : 02/07| 21:30 - 23:00 Tokyo : 02/08| 01:00 - 02:30 Sydney : 02/08| 03:00 - 04:30

Chair: Gerardo FLINTSCH, Chair of PIARC TC 3.3, USA

The section presents a series of approaches and case studies for incorporating resilience into the Asset Management business processes.  Resilience is becoming a key consideration in Asset Management as agencies strive to identify risk associated with extreme events and develop robust, data-driven, risk-based decision support frameworks and tools for managing the road infrastructure. The session presents (1) a methodologies for assessing the benefits of possible maintenance activities in terms of discounted risk reduction illustrated with a case study in the Santarem region of Portugal, (2) the use of data driven decision making, asset condition assessment, and identification of vulnerabilities and resilience implementation actions in Canada, and (3) the plans to establish a modern, effective and sustainable road Asset Management framework that incorporates resilience in Poland. 

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Mr. Matthew HAUBRICH, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, USA


Decision support tool for improving resilience of transportation infrastructure
• Mr. Rade HAJDIN, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, Leader WG2, Switzerland
• Mr. Nikola TANASIC, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, Switzerland 

Asset Management Contributions to Road System Resilience in Canada
• Mr. David HEIN, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, Canada

Resilience in Road Asset Management in Poland
• Mr. Adam ZOFKA, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, Poland
• Mr. Andrzej MACIEJEWSKI, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorway, Poland


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Questions and Answers

• Moderated by Matthew HAUBRICH


 • Mr. James SMITH, Member of PIARC TC 3.3, Canada

Session Organiser: Gerardo FLINTSCH
Session Secretary: James SMITH