Proceedings of the Congress

R 15.3 Security and resilience

Wednesday, February 9 16:00 - 17:30 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/09| 23:00 - 00:30 Paris : 02/10| 00:00 - 01:30 New Delhi : 02/10| 04:30 - 06:00 Tokyo : 02/10| 08:00 - 09:30 Sydney : 02/10| 10:00 - 11:30

Chair: Mr. Chris JOHNSON, SNC-Lavalin, TF 3.1 English speaking Secretary , Canada 

PIARC’s Strategic Plan recognizes resilience as one of the global issues that it should address. In this session, PIARC's Task Force 3.1 on "Road Infrastructure and Transport Security" will present the security aspects of resilience.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Video
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Mr. Chris JOHNSON, SNC-Lavalin, TF 3.1 English speaking Secretary , Canada


Overview of activities performed by TF 3.1 and results
• Mr. Saverio PALCHETTI, Chair of PIARC TF 3.1, Italy 

Presentation of the document: "Task Force 3.1 - Literature Review - Documents Relevant to Road Infrastructure and Transport Security"
• Prof. Berthold BEST, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Member of TF 3.1 

Backbone or Achilles heel? Cyber resilience of future road systems
• Mr. Chris JOHNSON, SNC-Lavalin, TF 3.1 English speaking Secretary , Canada 

Overview of freight transport security - Interaction with today's and tomorrow's road infrastructure
• Mr. Philippe CHANARD, former deputy director of DIR Massif Central, TF 3.1 French speaking Secretary , France 

Protests: a challenge for freight transport security and resilience
• Ms. Luz GRADILLA, Mexican Institute of Trasnportation, Spanish speaking Secretary , Mexico

Security and pandemic: application of the concepts of resilience for business continuity
• Mr. Saverio PALCHETTI, Chair of PIARC TF 3.1, Italy


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Questions and Answers

• Moderator: Mr. Chris JOHNSON, SNC-Lavalin, English speaking Secretary , Canada


 • Session Chair: Mr. Chris JOHNSON, SNC-Lavalin, TF 3.1 English speaking Secretary , Canada

Session Organiser: Mr. Saverio PALCHETTI, Chair of PIARC TF 3.1, Italy
Session Secretary: Mr. Saverio PALCHETTI, Chair of PIARC TF 3.1, Italy