Proceedings of the Congress

COV COVID-19 Impact on Roads

Tuesday, February 8 17:15 - 18:45 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/09| 00:15 - 01:45 Paris : 02/09| 01:15 - 02:45 New Delhi : 02/09| 05:45 - 07:15 Tokyo : 02/09| 09:15 - 10:45 Sydney : 02/09| 11:15 - 12:45

Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 17:15-18:45 (Calgary time)

Chair: Mr. Christos Xenophontos, Rhodes Island DoT (USA), Chair of PIARC Committee 1.1

This session will present insights on how roads and the road transport sector, and the organisations and professionals who manage them, provided an essential service even in the midst of the COVID pandemic. In fact, they have demonstrated their amazing resilience and their ability to move people and essential goods safely,
Panellists will include representatives of the group of PIARC international experts which was set up in March 2020 to organize knowledge-sharing webinars, from a wide variety of geographical areas, on a large diversity of topics. Their outputs will be presented, including briefing notes, a survey note, and a detailed report. The latter highlights lessons learnt as well as key conclusions and recommendations such as Economic Measures to Support Businesses, Road Works, Freight and Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, etc.
At a time when countries all over the world are mobilizing funds to relaunch their economy though public investment, the main question is a question of efficiency, and this session will present insights on how to build road transport into such recovery plans and to best serve users’ needs.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Mr. Christos XENOPHONTOS, Rhodes Island DoT (USA), Chair of PIARC TC 1.1


Sharing best practice on COVID worldwide with PIARC
• Mr Pascal Rossigny, CEREMA (France), Secretary of PIARC TC 3.3

Findings of PIARC’s international survey
• Ms Valentina Galasso, Deloitte Consulting (Italy), Chair of PIARC TC 2.4

Learning from experience: How Atlandes motorway concessionaire handled the COVID crisis in practice
• Mr Olivier Quoy, Atlandes (France), PIARC TC 2.3

Planning for economic recovery: planning, prioritization, and implementation to be agile and adaptive
• Mr Tim Henkel, Minesota DoT (USA), PIARC TC 1.2

Questions and Answers

• Moderated by Mr. Christos Xenophontos, Rhodes Island DoT (USA), Chair of PIARC TC 1.1


• Mr. Patrick Malléjacq, Secretary General of PIARC

Organisateur de la séance : Patrick Malléjacq, Secrétaire général de PIARC
Session Secretary: Deanna Belden, Minnesota DoT (USA), Member of PIARC TC 1.1