Proceedings of the Congress

Looking for network resilience for disaster management community

Thursday, February 10 11:30 - 12:30 (Calgary) | Room 1

GMT : 02/10| 18:30 - 19:30 Paris : 02/10| 19:30 - 20:30 New Delhi : 02/11| 00:00 - 01:00 Tokyo : 02/11| 03:30 - 04:30 Sydney : 02/11| 05:30 - 06:30

Jan GRUBER, TC1.5 Disaster Management WG Leader, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic 
Marcelo MEDINA, TC1.5 Disaster Management Secretary, Ministry of Public Works, Chile marcelo.medina@mop.gov.cl

Yukio ADACHI, TC1.5 Disaster Management Chair of PIARC TC1.5, Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd., Japan 

The occurrence of disasters involves a series of activities and actions carried out by different actors such as officials, road administrators, technicians, road users, and etc. They must be skilled, trained, and informed as well as coordinated, according to the function that corresponds to them, during every phase of a disaster management (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery).

We live in a society in which roads and road networks are required to be resilient in the event of a disaster, moreover, it is necessary that the society also act in a resilient manner. In other words, a resilient road network should be supported by not only resilient infrastructure but also equally resilient society and social network. Well-trained personnel, well-informed users, well-coordinated organizations, efficient use of communications within the highway administrations and their associates, should be crucial in determining a significant reduction in the impact of the disaster.

Lost many chances to meet in face to face during COVID-19 might resulted in weak relationship among disaster management community. This networking session will provide an opportunity for engineers involved in disaster management to create a community that encourages information sharing and coordination.

 Bring your disaster management experiences and your lessons!