Proceedings of the Congress

Poster Session 3: Topics 1 and 11

Tuesday, February 8 11:30 - 12:30 (Calgary) | Room 2

GMT : 02/08| 18:30 - 19:30 Paris : 02/08| 19:30 - 20:30 New Delhi : 02/09| 00:00 - 01:00 Tokyo : 02/09| 03:30 - 04:30 Sydney : 02/09| 05:30 - 06:30

In this poster session, authors will present their papers on the topic 1 (also presented during poster session 2), and topic 11 (also presented during poster session 4).

Topic 1: Extreme winter situations in cold climate areas

During extreme winter events, standard response plans may no longer be valid. These events can have significant consequences for society. In many countries there are roads in areas with extreme conditions such as mountain passes requiring convoys, roads in open areas exposed to snow drift and roads vulnerable to avalanches. But extreme weather conditions can also happen anywhere; examples include heavy snowfall, freezing rain, extreme cold, fast changing weather conditions, fast increasing temperature and melting snow which can cause landslides or flooding.

How can road agencies cope with these challenges and plan to act accordingly emergency situations regarding:

  • Organization
  • Management
  • Equipment
  • Contracts
  • Information
  • Transportation of dangerous goods

Topic 11: Resilient pavements

We encourage submissions that address:

  • Resilience of pavements and roadside infrastructure, in urban and rural areas
  • Experiences with adaption of resilient pavement designs and materials, e.g. to non-standard tires such as new generation wide based single tires,
  • Use of technology for post-disaster investigation and monitoring resilience
  • Use of advanced pavement management approaches to mitigate/incorporate natural or man-made disasters may also be considered
  •  Materials with the potential for self-healing
  • Pavement surfaces that retain their characteristics irrespective of climatic variations, etc.

The papers can be based on theoretical modelling, laboratory research, in-situ performance evaluation or case studies.