Proceedings of the Congress

Poster Session 6: Topics 4, 10 and 15

Wednesday, February 9 20:15 - 21:15 (Calgary) | Room 1

GMT : 02/10| 03:15 - 04:15 Paris : 02/10| 04:15 - 05:15 New Delhi : 02/10| 08:45 - 09:45 Tokyo : 02/10| 12:15 - 13:15 Sydney : 02/10| 14:15 - 15:15

In this poster session, authors will present their papers on the topic 4 (also presented during poster session 7), topic 10 (also presented during poster session 7) and topic 15 related to security (also presented during poster session 5).

Topic 4: New technologies and methods in winter service

Winter service evolves over the years with ongoing development and research. This topic covers all subjects concerning innovation in techniques and technologies in winter service.


  • Application of de-icers and anti-icers
  • Improvement in the use of abrasives
  • Snow and ice clearance procedures and methodologies
  • Sustainable and adaptive maintenance procedures
  • Protection against snowdrifts and avalanches


  • New snow and ice clearing equipment
  • Automation of snow and ice control
  • New or alternative chemicals or materials
  • Route selection and optimisation
  • Specifications and standardisation of equipment and materials
  • Measurement of residual winter chemicals
  • Sustainable products or equipment

Topic 10: Improving resilience of Road Network Operations through ITS and new technologies

When disruptions happen the ability of road operators to deliver information properly to road users may be compromised and the efficiency of road operations may be jeopardized. Hazards occurring along the network (like winter extreme situations or high impact events for example) can be a challenge for many Road Operators in terms of ensuring the viability of the road, and therefore the mobility of people and goods along the network itself.

New technologies offer new possibilities to engage with road users and avoid disruptions, such as:

  • Connectivity (i.e. V2X) secures a faster transmission of data than ever before, allowing road operators to fast track road operations;
  • Big data and advanced analytics (i.e. machine learning and AI) allow road operators to perform better especially in times of crisis and emergencies, ensuring better information in a sensible short period together with better decision-making processes;
  • New methods of data collection (i.e. probe data) complement the panel of information in order to provide customized services to users.

This theme includes all papers that provide experiences of how data collection, use of new technologies and analysis represent for road operators valuable assets in order to provide not only basic information but also real value to road users, improving the efficiency of road network operations.

Topic 15: Resilience of Roads and Roads transport

PIARC’s Strategic Plan recognizes resilience as one of the global issues that it should address. This topic relates to PIARC’s works on Security aspects of road resilience. This topic will address the general principles of a security-minded approach as well as the technical and operational practices to protect against a range of physical and cyber threats.

  • Asset management and resilience
  • Security aspects of road resilience