Proceedings of the Congress

Developing a resilient transportation system for a rapidly changing world

Wednesday, February 9 09:45 - 10:45 (Calgary) | Room 1

GMT : 02/09| 16:45 - 17:45 Paris : 02/09| 17:45 - 18:45 New Delhi : 02/09| 22:15 - 23:15 Tokyo : 02/10| 01:45 - 02:45 Sydney : 02/10| 03:45 - 04:45

Conversation with Roger Millar, Secretary of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation, USA

In this conversation, Roger Millar will present the Washington State Department of Transportation’s approach to developing a resilient transportation system for a rapidly changing world. He will touch upon COVID-19, strategic planning, resilient transportation systems and resilient response.

Roger Millar is Secretary of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation, USA as well as AASHTO’s 2021-2022 Vice President.

Roger Millar has led the Washington State Department of Transportation since August 2016. He is a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He also serves as vice chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Transportation and Development Institute and vice chair of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s board of directors. Millar is also a member of the National Complete Streets Coalition Steering Committee, chair of the AASHTO Council on Public Transportation, and co-chair of the Cooperative Automated Transportation Coalition. He graduated from the University of Virginia in 1982.

Moderator: Patrick Malléjacq, Secretary General, PIARC